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Friday, April 3, 2015

Call for Reviewers

Call for Reviewers
RCELL Journals (Research Center for English Language and Literature), The Criterion: An International Journal in English and Galaxy: International Journal in English is seeking for Reviewers for both the Journals to ensure quality of our publication and to better serve the peers in academic circle.
Basic Requirements
The responsibility of reviewers is to evaluate the quality, relevance, and merit of submitted papers. Comments should be as complete and detailed as possible and contain clear opinions about strengths, weaknesses, relevance, and importance to the field. Reviewers should consider themselves as mentors to the author(s) and comments should be specific and constructive and suggestions should be intended to enhance the manuscript.
Editorial Requirements
Agree to return manuscripts in a timely manner;

Agree not to distribute the manuscript or to disclose information within the manuscript;

Agree to review the first revision of a manuscript for which he/she provided the initial review;

Agree to be released as a reviewer after two refusals to review, two failures to review, or three late reviews;

Agree to be rated as a reviewer this will reflect future selection to review.

Applicant must have Ph.D degree, significant publishing and reviewing experience. Due to high volume of applications, only accepted applicants will be contacted via email

Reviewer Application

(Dr. First Last )

Initials [First Middle Last]
(e.g) Vishwanath Keru Bite= VKB

Reviewer CODE
See the attached file
 will be provided after processing applications
University/ Institute Affiliation with Address including Pin

Website/ Blog (if any)
Email Preferably gmail (no yahoo please) you can mention more than one according to preference.
Contact No. (alternate if available)
Highest Degree details (name & year) With Specialization
Areas of Interest
(One on each line)

Can you format submitted article using MS Word according to guidelines

Research articles published in
Journal, Books
Books Authored

Books Edited

If you are Editor/ Reviewer of any other Journal (if yes name all with website urls)

How many articles you can review in a week?

Can you check for Plagiarism? Using online software 

How much time do you take to acknowledge mail?

Would you like to review articles for both the Journals
The Criterion & Galaxy

How often do you use social networking sites?

Would you like to Promote Journals on social networking sites?

Reviewing/ Editing Experience

How would you help us in maintaining quality of Journals other than reviewing articles?

Other (if you want us to know anything else)


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