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Friday, February 25, 2011

Anthology In Press: Indian Writing in English

Indian Writing in English
 Critical Perspectives


Dr. Vishwanath Bite
Assistant Professor,
Department of English,
Bharati Vidyapeeth's
MBSK Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Kadegaon,
Dist. Sangli, (M.S.)
Capt. Dr. Arvind M. Nawale
Head, Department of English,
Shivaji Mahavidyalaya,
Udgir, Dist: Latur (M.S.)

          Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors
807, Vyas Building, Chaura Rasta, JAIPUR - 302 000

Indian Writing in English: Critical Perspectives consists of essays by distinguished Indian academicics on variety of topics covering Indian Writing in English, which is a rather recent phenomenon reaching the global status. The book introduces the contemporary debates comprising the vast aspects of the canon. IWE has become a powerful literature and holds a place of its own in world literature and appears perfectly as indigenous literature. As a result of multiculturalism literatures are the manifestations of hybrid cultures, the globalization has beeb affecting the literary scene for the centuries. The present anthology edited by Dr. Vishwanath Bite and Dr. Arvind Nawale consists twenty well researched articles throwing flood of light on variety of aspects.
          The present volume will prove an ideal reference book to students, researchers and teachers of Indian Writing in English.

The present volume is compiled of twenty well researched articles on various authors from the canon of Indian Writing in English. These articles contributed by scholars, teachers, academicians and critics of repute, study in depth Indian Writing in English exploring variety of themes and aspects. Indian Writing in English has very recent history to explore hence; the attempt made by the writers to probe national literature of India written in English is worth reading.
            Dr. Vishwanath Bite in his insightful article about Anurag Mathur’s The Inscrutable American, focuses the journey of Gopal, the protagonist, to America. The present article highlights the journey of the Indian boy, into brave new world. It is brave because for Gopal the Americans are too forward and knowledgeable and the world is also new to him as he is from Indian orthodox family. In his scholarly article on Arun Joshi’s The Strange Case of Billy Biswas Dr. Arvind Nawale presents two different faces of woman living in two different sections of Indian society- modern civilized society and age-old primitive society. The article delineates the strange case of the protagonist Billy Biswas and his association with two sorts of women- Meena Chatterjee who represents materialistic modern society and Bilasia who represents primitive society. In her article Mrs. Madhuri Bite examines the thematic observations in Gita Mehta’s Raj. She observes the themes of Raj from postcolonial point of view. Dr. Dipanita Gargava in her article on Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines examines the perspective view of time and events, of lines that bring people together and hold them apart, lines that are clearly visible on one perspective and nonexistent on another. Lines that exist in the memory of one, and therefore in another's imagination. Dr. Arjun Jadhav and Prashant Mothe in their well researched article attempt to explore the linguistic behaviour of the characters and their interpersonal relations in the two plays of Girish Karnad against the backdrop of some concepts and theories in pragmatics.
Zeenath Mohamed Kunhi in her article on Arundhati Roy’s scholarly essay Baby Bush Go Home discusses Bush’s monologic principles. In his article Dinesh B. Chaudhary studies Shashi Deshpande’s That Long Silence and states that women are engaged in the complex and difficult social and psychological problem of defining an authentic self. In their article Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha & Dhritiman Chakraborty argue that Arundhati showcases that rare breed among Indian English writers who has dared to carry forward her fictional issues through the constitution of a radical redressal of socio-political pathologies and they differentiate Arundhati`s fictional outpourings with her non-fictional dynamism. Dr. S. B. Bhambar in his insightful article analyses the three selected novels of Anita Desai, Prakash Deshpande and Paulo Coelho with comparative perspective. The novels represent a height of artistic vision independently achieved by the writers belonging to different cultures:  Occidental and Oriental.  The similarities in the theme and technique of these novels, obviously, show the universality of vision and unity of human experience in spite of the cultural, racial, national and temperamental differences among the selected writers. Dr. Ramchandra Hegade in his scholarly article on Khushwant Singh’s Train to Pakistan examines the novel as the political novel in the mode of documentary realism.
Krati Sharma in her well researched paper discusses the use of the genre of autobiography by Marathi Women writers especially Laxmi Bai and Durga Khote who, under the influence of reform movements and social activists not only read but also wrote. She further states that the women writers used the genre not only as a tool for self expression but also to crusade the cause of their liberation. Dr. Gunjan Jain in her article explains the theme of women’s freedom with reference to Mulk Raj Anand’s novel The Old Woman and The Cow. She also argues that while stressing the need for the emancipation of women Mulk Raj Anand suggests that women themselves should break the ties that bind them to the hearth and boldly venture out into different activities. In her insightful article Dr. K. K. Sunalini analyses the moral vision in the novels of Shashi Deshpande. She further states that the search of a typical Shashi Deshpande protagonist is usually to work out a satisfactory relationship with the other human beings and to evolve a satisfactory moral ethic in a complex world. Dr. Marie Josephine Aruna critically evaluates Githa Hariharan’s When Dreams Travel. She analyses that men everywhere are the same while women’s subservient condition under them is also the same across the world and explains that women tend to explore their desire and connect with other women dealing a double existence –one in their official role as slave and the other as women of the harem. Dr. Pradnya V. Ghorpade in her well researched article discusses the self-assertion of women in the works of Mulk Raj Anand. She says that though woman is suppressed in India, Mulk Raj Anand is aware of her dormant capacities which are seen in some of his women characters. 
HCS Chauhan & Lt. (Dr.) Satendra Kumar in their joint article scrupulously examine Shashi Deshpande’s fictional world, she has created in her women protagonists, heroines who do not merely stand for themselves but also for the artistic ideas the author wishes to convey. It is not so much the survival of the female figure that is central to her stories. A clear cut solution to the female conflict is, from the author’s view point, not important for the survival of the protagonist. Their article throws flood of light on her creative sensibility. Dr . Manisha Gahelot studies the emergence and shaping of Indian literary canon taking its background from language issue and the then used terms for the national literature. Her short and scholarly survey is helpful in understanding Indian Writing in English against the cultural encounters. Rukhaya M. K. in her scholarly article examines the sound of silence in the Silence! The Court is in Session. She observes that the court is just a metaphor of the patriarchal society we live in. The monologic verdict is the final decree that the woman has to abide by. The only thing she has to protest with is her Silence, as that is the only aspect attributed to her. Dr. Sheeba Rakesh in her scholarly article studies Mahashweta Devi’s Standayini, translated as the Breast-Giver by Gayatri Chakravarty Spivak. Dr. Vishnu K Sharma and Mahesh Kumar Sharma study language and discourse in The White Tiger. They found the novel fully reveals that Linguistic systems co-evolve with socio-cultural conventions of language use and thus the context of use is as relevant as rule of usage. In reality language is subject to great change and variation. One who aims at studying the phenomenon of language has to take into account cultural and social factors that are involved in human linguistic behavior. Authors have explored the novel with the tool of language.
The present anthology has strictly followed blind peer review procedure while selecting the papers. We are thankful to respected Prof. Dr.  K. V. Dominic, PG & Research Department of English, Newman College, Thodupuzha Idukki Dist. (Kerala), Dr. Malti Agarwal, Head, Dept. of English at NAS College, Meerut, (UP) and Dr. D.R. More, Principal, Shri Shahaji Chhatrapati Mahavidyalaya, Kolhapur, (Maharashtra) for reviewing and selecting papers and making suggestions.
We are thankful to Mr. Akshay Jain, Managing Director of Aavishkar Publication, Jaipur for pursuing us to bring out present volume. Thanks are also due to our family members for their inspiration and constant support.
Dr. Vishwanath K. Bite
Capt. Dr. Arvind M. Nawale

About Authors                                                                                                                                                
Dr. Vishwanath Bite, (b. 19th April 1983) is working as Assistant Professor in English in MBSK Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Kadegaon, Dist. Sangli. (M.S.). He is Editor-In-Chief and publisher of The Criterion: An International Journal in English, ISSN (0976-8165). He has published dozens of qualitative research articles in national, international journals and books. He was awarded doctorate in 2009 for his research by Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Some of his forthcoming books are Basavraj Naikar: Critical Perspectives, Indian English Historical Drama, Critical Perspectives on Indian English Fiction, Critical Response to Mahesh Dattani and Booker Prize Winner Indian English Novels: A Kaleidoscopic Study.
Capt. Dr. Arvind M. Nawale, (b. 29th November 1971) is at present working as a Head of the Department of English in Shivaji Mahavidyalaya, Udgir, Dist: Latur (Maharashtra). He has been teaching English language and literature since 1995. He was a member of the Senate and other academic bodies of his university. He is also on panel of external referee of few Indian universities. He has presented a number of research papers and chaired paper presentation sessions in many national and international seminars and world conferences. As a member of Board of Studies in English of university, he has contributed to frame curriculum of UG and PG courses in English. He was on Editorial Board of two books, ‘Prism: Spoken and Written Communication Prose and Poetry’ and ‘Radiance: Communication Skills, Prose and Poetry’, which are prescribed for syllabus of 1st and 2nd year degree courses of S.R.T.M.University, Nanded. He is also working as one of the Editors of The Criterion An Online International Journal (ISSN 0976-8165), Advisory Editor, The Expression: A Journal of Literary and Critical Studies (ISSN ISSN 0975 – 1394), Rae Bareilly and Contributing Editor, Hyphen An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Arts & Culture (ISSN 0975 2897), Shimla (H.P.). He has completed one MRP under financial assistance of UGC and at present, working on post-doctoral research. Some of his  books which are in press are ‘A Thematic Study of Arun Joshi’s Fiction’, ‘Critical Responses to Indian English Fiction’ , ‘Fiction of Anita Desai: A Study through Different Perspectives’,  Reflections on Post-Independence Indian English Fiction’, ‘Anita Desai’s Fiction: Themes and Techniques’, ‘Booker Prize Winner Indian English Novels: A Kaleidoscopic Study’, ‘Indo-English Fiction: New Perspectives’, ‘Recent Revelations: Critical Essays on Indian English Poetry and Drama’ and ‘Indian English Writing: Speculations and Observations’.

Dedicated to all teachers, researchers and students of English literature and language
                                      - Dr. Vishwanath, Dr. Arvind


1.      Journey into ‘Brave New World’: Anurag Mathur’s The Inscrutable Americans
Dr. Vishwanath Bite
2.      Women in Contrast: A Study of Image of Woman in Arun Joshi’s The Strange Case of Billy Biswas
Dr. Arvind Nawale
3.      Gita Mehta’s Raj: Thematic Observations
Mrs. Madhuri Bite
4.      Depiction of time and space in Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines
Dr. Dipanita Gargava
5.      Conversational Analysis of Girish Karnad’s Tughlaq and Hayavadana
Dr. Arjun Jadhav and Prashant Mothe
6.      Baby Bush Go Home: A Dialogue on Bush’s Monologic Principles
Zeenath Mohamed Kunhi
7.      Shashi Deshpande’s That Long Silence: A Study
Dinesh B. Chaudhary
8.      Imperial Democracy, Homo Sacer and Arundhati Roy`s Resistance of Bare Life
Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha and Dhritiman Chakraborty
9.      Journey to Ithaca, The Alchemist and Bardana: A Comparative Perspective
Dr.S. B. Bhambar
10.  The Political Novel In The Mode Of Documentary Realism: Khushwant Singh’s Train To Pakistan
Dr. Ramchandra Hegade
11.  Marathi Women’s Autobiographies. Two bold initiatives: Laxmi Bai and Durga Khote
Krati Sharma
  1. Theme of Women’s Freedom in The Old Woman and The Cow
Dr. Gunjan Jain
  1. Moral vision of Shashi Deshpande
14.  Problematizing Gender and Genre:  Myth As Sub-Text in Githa Hariharan’s When Dreams Travel
Dr. Marie Josephine Aruna
15.  Self-assertion of women in the works of  Mulk Raj Anand
Dr. (Mrs) Pradnya V. Ghorpade
  1. Shashi Deshpande: Shaping HHHHHher Creative Sensibility
HCS Chauhan & Lt. (Dr.) Satendra Kumar
17.  Vignette’s Big Bang
Dr . Manisha Gahelot
18.  The Sound of Silence in Silence! The Court is in Session
Rukhaya MK

19.  A Study of Language and Discourse in The White Tiger
Dr. Vishnu K Sharma & Mahesh Kumar Sharma
  1. The Brave New World (Indeed)! : Man meets Once Cow Mother/ Spivak meets Haraway – A Deadly Motherhood!?
Dr. Sheeba Rakesh

A B O U T    C O N T R I B U T O R S

     1)      Dr. Vishwanath Bite, Asst. Professor, Department of English, MBSK Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Kadegaon, Tal. Kadegaon, Dist. Sangli. (M.S.). Editor-In-Chief,  The Criterion: An International Journal in English.

       2)      Dr. Arvind M. Nawale, Head, Department of English, Shivaji Mahavidyalaya, Udgir, Dist: Latur (M.S.).

      3)      Mrs. Madhuri Bite, At. Pisewadi, Po. Avalai, Tal. Atpadi, Dist. Sangli. 415 315. (M.S.), Official Reviewer, The Criterion: An International Journal in English.

4)      Dr. Dipanita Gargava, Lecturer, Shri G.S Institute of Technology and Science, Indore.

5)      Dr.Arjun Jadhav, Associate Professor, Fergusson College, Pune and
Prashant Mothe, Assistant Professor, Adarsh Senior College, Omerga. Dist. Osmanabad

6)      Zeenath Mohamed Kunhi, (Research Scholar, SASTRA University, Thanjavur) Lecturer, Department of English, Dayapuram Arts and Science College, NITC P.O., Calicut, Kerala.

7)      Dinesh B. Chaudhary, Research Scholar, Jiwaji University, Gwallior, Madhya Pradesh.

8)      Anindya Shekar Purakayastha and Dhritiman Chakraborty, Department of English, Malda Women’s College,University of Gour Banga.

9)      Dr.S. B. Bhambar, Head, Department Of English, Arts and Commerce College, Nesari, Tal. Gadhinglaj Dist. Kolhapur, Pin: 416504   (Maharashtra)

10)  Dr. R. G. Hegde, Associate Professor, Dept. of English, B.N. Degree College, Dandeli (UK), Karnataka.

11)  Krati Sharma, Lecturer, Dept.of English,JNU,Jaipur.

12)  Dr. Gunjan Jain, Astt. Prof. Corporate Trainer Vidya College of Engineering, Vidya Knowledge Park, Meerut

13)  Dr. K. K. Sunalini, Asst.Prof.of.English, Ramappa Engineering College. Warangal.

14)  Dr. Marie Josephine Aruna, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Tagore Arts College, Pondicherry – 605008.

15)  Dr. (Mrs) Pradnya V. Ghorpade, Associate Professor, KRP Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Islampur.

16)  HCS Chauhan, Research Scholar, Dept. of English, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore (Tamil Naidu) and Lt. (Dr.) Satendra Kumar, Assistant Professor & Head Dept. of English, Govt PG College, Lansdowne, Pauri Garhwal (UK)

     17)  Dr. Manisha Gahelot, Head, P.G.& Research Dept of English, Peoples’ College, Nanded.(M.S.).

18)  Rukhaya MK, Faizeenas,Kopara Bazar, Kasaragod,Kerala -671321

            19)  Dr Vishnu Kumar Sharma & Mahesh Kumar Sharma, 14, Dadu Marg, Haryana colony,  
            Tonk    Phatak , Jaipur (Raj.) India.
20)  Dr. Sheeba Rakesh, Department of English and Modern European languages, University of 
            Lucknow. Centre of Women’s Studies at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Girls’ Degree College.

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